first three women elected to the Colorado Legislature

Two Spooky Tales of Boulder

Halloween is here, and it has us peeking into some of the more spooky tales in Boulder’s rich history. Haunted houses? A haunted creek? With the help of our friends at the Museum of Boulder and the book “Haunted Boulder,” read on for two particularly chilling takes from different periods of the past that still

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Boulder Now & Then

Since Boulder was founded in 1871 much has changed, but you may be surpised by some buildings and locations that have changed very little since they were built. We’ve put historic photos of these recognizable Boulder locations side by side with a photo from September 2018. People often forget Pearl Street was a bustling road

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Boulder History: Back to School

Much has changed in Boulder over the past 150 years, but the “back to school” experience has always been a tradition. At Elevations Credit Union, we’re proud to partner with the Museum of Boulder. Here, the Museum shares a look back at the history of schools around Boulder. Boulder’s first school, the Pioneer School, was

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pearl street arts fest 2017