Downtown street

Active vs. Passive Portfolio Management

One of the longest-standing investing debates is over the relative merits of active portfolio management versus passive management. With an actively managed portfolio, a manager tries to beat the performance of a given benchmark index by using his or her judgment in selecting individual securities and deciding when to buy and sell them. A passively

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Investment basics

When investing, particularly for long-term goals, there are two basic concepts you will likely hear about over and over again — diversification and asset allocation. Diversification helps limit exposure to loss in any one investment or one type of investment, while asset allocation provides a blueprint to help guide your investment decisions. Understanding how the

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devils backbone colorado
fort collins colorado

Tax Planning for Annuities

Our members often have questions about annuities and their benefits. Favorable tax treatment is one of the main reasons for buying an annuity. So what exactly are the tax benefits? Are there any drawbacks? It’s important to know the answers to these questions before deciding whether to purchase an annuity. Of course, any information on

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colorado winter stream

Handling Market Volatility

Conventional wisdom says that what goes up, must come down. However even if you view market volatility as a regular occurrence, it can be tough to handle when it’s your money at stake. Though there’s no foolproof way to handle the ups and downs of the stock market, the following common sense tips can help.

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