boulder band
girls in garden
celebration of community
pearl street mall
Children's Peace Garden at Growing Gardens

Congratulations 2018 Elevations Foundation Grantees

At Elevations Foundation, November is Community Grants month. This year, we awarded grants to 20 organizations, an all-time high for Elevations Foundation. These grants go to nonprofits who serve our community in one of three areas: environmental education and sustainability, early childhood development or mental health. This year there are familiar faces and some new

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first three women elected to the Colorado Legislature

Two Spooky Tales of Boulder

Halloween is here, and it has us peeking into some of the more spooky tales in Boulder’s rich history. Haunted houses? A haunted creek? With the help of our friends at the Museum of Boulder and the book “Haunted Boulder,” read on for two particularly chilling takes from different periods of the past that still

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growing gardens cultiva

Meet Elevations Foundation Grantee Growing Gardens

Elevations Foundation is proud to support Boulder County-based nonprofit Growing Gardens through its Community Grants program. Watch the video below to learn about Growing Gardens’ Cultiva Youth Project and how it is impacting the lives of children in Boulder County. Growing Gardens was established when it took on a long-term lease of 11 acres from

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